Stratford District Time Bank: It’s “hOur World”

Timebanking is a wonderful system of community connection.  By offering an occasional hour you can connect with people around you, help people in your neighbourhood, receive help, create community, support local groups, and make where you live a nicer, kinder place to...

Alcester’s Community Conversion: From Squash to Space

Community Sheds are all about creating a community space for men (and women) to meet regularly for craftwork, company and camaraderie. Shedders can also get involved in community projects, such as building things for schools or libraries or individuals in need....

Adaptation in Warwickshire

Last November, Matt Whitehead, Climate change and Sustainability Lead, Warwickshire County Council and Becky Davies, Climate Change Adaptation Officer, Warwick District Council presented to an online audience of 80 people. The event was organised by Warwickshire...