Last November, Matt Whitehead, Climate change and Sustainability Lead, Warwickshire County Council and Becky Davies, Climate Change Adaptation Officer, Warwick District Council presented to an online audience of 80 people. The event was organised by Warwickshire Climate Alliance.
The presentation on preparing for climate change included data on global average surface temperatures as well as precipitation and what we can expect in Warwickshire as a result. This included summer and winter scenarios, the implications for extreme weather events and potential impacts on residents, businesses, infrastructure, emergency services and the environment.
The National Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) and the system for national and local government resilience were explained, including Coventry Solihull & Warwickshire’s Adverse Weather Plan.
Of interest to local Councils and groups, key actions to improve resilience in the community were shared, as well as at individual household level.
- Town and Parish Council Emergency Plans (to cover a range of emergencies) – template and support available from local Emergency Planning Teams
- Warwickshire Local Resilience Forum website – lots of useful guidance on a range of emergencies.
- Town and Parish Council Local Nature Action Plans – template and guidance to create biodiverse and resilient neighbourhoods is available from the Coventry Warwickshire & Solihull Local Nature Partnership website
- Local communication channels and alert systems e.g. street or neighbourhood WhatsApp groups, social media channels
Warwick District’s biodiversity action programme and the South Warwickshire Local Plan are interlinked with climate change adaptation.
Nature-based solutions are key. Suggestions for actions that use the power of nature to address societal challenges and provide benefits for people and the environment included:
- Green spaces in urban areas to mitigate urban heat island effect, improve air quality and provide recreation opportunities e.g. parks, urban forests, green roofs and walls, etc.
- Tree planting to mitigate heat, absorb carbon and improve air quality.
- Natural water storage solutions to help prevent droughts and floods and support biodiversity e.g. SuDs, scrapes, swales, rain gardens, etc.
- Wetland restoration to provide natural buffer against floods, improve water quality through filtration and support biodiversity.
Residents can also take action at home to create a more climate resilient landscape and “slow the flow”.
Download the presentation: Climate Adaptation in Warwickshire 25 November 2024
Communities Prepared equips communities nationwide with the knowledge and confidence to prepare for, respond to, and recover from a range of emergencies, from flooding and severe weather incidents to pandemics. Whether you’re already active and aware of these topics or are new to resilience training, it is free to join as as a community member, a volunteer coordinator or an individual professional to access learning resources, register for online training sessions and access a members forum as part of a national network of groups and individuals looking to strengthen resilience in their communities. Free training available
The Flood Hub has been designed to be a one stop shop for flood information and resources to support householders, businesses and communities across the North West in becoming more flood resilient. Multiple sources of guidance are included in a Knowledge Hub to give an overview of flood resilience and its many related topics. Sign up for the quarterly newsletter
Ashden’s Adaptation Network next meeting is Thursday 27 February, 2-4pm, online via Zoom. The topic will be Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). SuDS are a nature-based solution that can reduce flooding impacts in both urban and rural environments. Sign up via the registration link
Speakers include:
- Carys Alder, Trees for Cities: Insights from Trees for Cities’ highly successful SuDS in Schools programme, working with councils in Leicester and Lewisham to make playgrounds climate resilient.
- Paula Goncalves, Brighton & Hove City Council: A planner’s perspective on a residential street SuDS scheme in Carden Avenue, Brighton – including lessons learned from the contractor the council worked alongside.
- Adam Boucher, Severn Trent: Hear how Severn Trent, Arup, Nottinghamshire County Council and Mansfield District Council are working together to deliver 20,000 SuDS across Mansfield.