Our member services include:

  • Procedural advice and support
  • Legal advice
  • HR advice
  • Finance advice
  • VAT advice and support
  • Planning advice
  • Training for Officers and Councillors on all aspects of Council business
  • Regular Clerk operational meetings
  • Regular Chair meetings

To access any kind of advice from WALC, we ask that the Clerk or the Chair contacts us.  The best way to get advice is via the helpdesk ticket system. You will need to be logged in to access this, and this facility is only available to the Clerk and Chair of the Council.  Please note, our advice is for the Council as the body corporate, not for individuals.

If you have any issues accessing the ticket system, then please notify us at admin@walc.org.uk or telephone 01789 636899

In addition, WALC offers paid for services to all member Councils.

Consultancy work

  • Bespoke in-house training
  • Job evaluations
  • Recruitment packages
  • Council heath checks
  • Mentoring

WALC sends a newsletter out fortnightly, consisting of the latest internal and external sector news to all member Clerks and Chairs.  This communication is to be shared with all Councillors.