What is an Annual Parish Meeting?

An Annual Parish Meeting is a meeting of the electorate of the parish, as opposed to a Parish or Town Council meeting which is a meeting of the Parish or Town Council of which residents are allowed to attend. The law in respect of an Annual Parish Meeting is set out...

The difference between a casual vacancy and a co-option

The co-option of a parish councillor occurs in two instances: When an ordinary vacancy has arisen on the parish council after the ordinary elections held every four years, or when a casual vacancy has arisen on the parish council and no poll (by-election) has been...

Report on Transitioning to GOV.UK Email Addresses

With thanks to Bubbenhall Parish Council for permission to reprint Date: 1 February 2024 Prepared by Tracie Ball, Clerk and RFO Introduction: The consideration of adopting GOV.UK email addresses for both the Clerk and Councillors may seem like an unnecessary...

Public Participation at Council Meetings

Members of the public have a legal right to attend meetings of a parish council and its committees, except where they are excluded (by a resolution of the meeting) for specific items which need to be discussed in confidence, for example, staffing matters or tenders...