DEFRA’s Bees Needs awards recognise and celebrate examples of exceptional initiatives undertaken by local authorities, community groups, farmers and businesses to support pollinators, from creating a wildflower patch, educating the local community about pollinators, or taking special measures on their farm.

The following article is from NALC

Sherburn in Elmet Town Council has been honoured as a national champion in the prestigious Bees’ Needs campaign, recognising their exemplary efforts in promoting and protecting pollinators through responsible and sustainable stewardship of the local area and its amenities.

The Bees’ Needs campaign, spearheaded by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), aims to raise awareness about bees and other pollinators’ crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ensuring food security. This campaign encourages individuals, communities, and local councils to adopt practices supporting these vital insects’ health and habitat.

Sherburn in Elmet Town Council’s innovative approaches have garnered this national accolade. Their commitment to public engagement demonstrated through key initiatives like creating bee-friendly habitats, public education programs, and collaborative projects with local schools and environmental groups, has been a driving force in their success.

Last year, the Yorkshire-based council took a bold step by banning harmful pesticides and insecticides in its land management practices. They also piloted a wildflower scheme designed for the enjoyment of residents, visitors, bees, bugs, and more. Following positive feedback from the community, this wildflower project was expanded to several additional areas for 2024/25.

In Elmet Town Council’s wide-ranging projects, community involvement has been at the heart of Sherburn. This year, the council held its inaugural Best Kept Garden competition, with many residents proudly submitting their gardens for consideration. Additionally, younger residents contributed fantastic artwork, and many community members participated in the council’s first community activity morning in June. Residents and volunteers helped sow wildflower meadows, litter pick, and build a bug hotel during this event, directly contributing to the council’s success.

The Bees’ Needs Campaign highlights five simple actions everyone can take to support pollinators, including growing more flowers, shrubs, and trees, letting gardens grow wild, cutting grass less often, avoiding disturbing insect nests and hibernation spots, and thinking carefully about pesticide use.

As a Bees’ Needs campaign champion, Sherburn in Elmet Town Council will serve as a model for other councils, showcasing effective strategies to support pollinators and encouraging widespread participation in pollinator-friendly practices.

Find out more about the Bees’ Needs campaign