“To raise awareness of the importance of pollinators, the threats they face and their contribution to sustainable development, the UN designated 20 May as World Bee Day.  The goal is to strengthen measures aimed at protecting bees and other pollinators, which would significantly contribute to solving problems related to the global food supply and eliminate hunger in developing countries.” Source: United Nations

A full weekend of ‘bee-themed’ activities is planned at both Hill Close Gardens and Guys Cliffe Walled Garden over the weekend of 18 and 19 May.  These free drop-in events will run from 11am – 4pm.

Bee Friendly Warwick is launching its #Plant4Pollinators campaign, encouraging local residents to plant a bee-friendly plant this year to help build up a network of pollinator-friendly habitats across the district.  You can also register your interest on their website.

Across both locations, Leamington & Warwick Beekeepers will be offering the chance to spot a queen and buy some honey. Information stalls will include: Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, Warwickshire Butterfly Conservation Group and Warwick District Council’s Biodiversity Action Plan and see a collection of amazing photographs by local insect photographer and citizen scientist, Sabina George.  Find out more

The Bee Friendly Trust launched its Bee Friendly Awards in 2021, to encourage communities around the UK to celebrate bees and pollinators where they live by transforming unused spaces into nature havens and habitats.  The Bee Friendly Awards are open to all – villages, towns, cities, parishes, schools, community groups and more are welcome to apply.

Kenilworth Town was awarded Bee Friendly Status in 2022; this year’s winners of the Bee Friendly Trust’s Awards will be announced on 20 May.

Another initiative that Councils and communities could consider is Bee Squared, an initiative developed by Hazlemere Parish Council.

If your Town or Parish Council taking action for bees, please email climateofficer@walc.org.uk for a follow-up story across our region.