Warwickshire County Council Officer, Fay Cannon, presented the new Central Reporting System for Speed Concerns to representatives of Town and Parish Councils at the January Reference Group meeting.
Speeding in communities is one of the priorities for the Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership. Partners must work together to have a joined-up approach in tackling residents’ concerns. Download the presentation
Councils are encouraged to respond to concerns regarding speeding in the community with the following:
Warwickshire Road Safety Partnership is bringing Partners together to improve the approach on how they investigate and respond to residents’ concerns of speeding in their area. A consistent and data-led approach has been developed which considers all types of Personal Injury Collisions reported and average speed data at the location. To report a speed concern, please visit https://warksspeedconcerns.org/ and click on ‘Reporting Speed Concerns.’
A template is available as a Word document and as a PDF for submitting concerns; a group submission is encouraged for a single site.
Councils may also find the following resources useful:
An information pack has been developed to help communities know what is being done to tackle speeding and how they can get involved in a number of initiatives.
Community Road Traffic Collision Support Pack September 2023
Guidance for Parish and Town Councils on procurement of Vehicle Activated Signs and SIDS
Please do also share the new rider hub with your comunities, which has information for young and new riders