SLCC’s Environmental & Sustainability Advisor, Andrew Maliphant, presented to Warwickshire’s Town and Parish Councils’ Reference Group, on planning and delivering local climate action. Download the presentation
From an SLCC members survey in 2023, over a quarter of responses commented on climate change, and the principal requests for advice were about:
- Action planning – what can we do to make a difference?
- What can smaller councils do in particular?
- Resources – what about community engagement and funding, and what statutory powers do we have to act?
SLCC, NALC and The Great Collaboration are working to gather answers to these questions and more.
Regardless of size, all local councils can make a start by:
- Connecting with any initiatives by the local planning authority
- Asking neighbouring parishes what action they are already taking that you might support in some way
- Contacting local climate action groups and voluntary networks for the same reason
While many local councils don’t have land, buildings or vehicles they manage, we all have to respond to planning applications and can ask telling questions about the climate impacts of any proposals.
A draft response to biodiversity net gain was also shared at the meeting. Download the guidance The Wildlife Trusts’ advice on gardening was recommended.
There is also further information on the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) website, and for regular online discussions with other councils you can join NALC’s Climate Emergency Network.
Andrew is also very happy to receive any feedback and any requests for (or offers of) more climate information via
If anyone has suggestions for future agenda items, please contact Louise Richards, Partnerships Projects Co-ordinator,