The Grand Union Canal Transfer is a new scheme to bring water from the Midlands to the Southeast. It’s a joint water transfer project between two water companies, Severn Trent and Affinity Water, and the Canal & River Trust, the charity that owns and cares for the canal network in England & Wales.

The Canal & Rivers Trust say “canals are a sustainable, eco-friendly way to move water over long distances without the need to construct substantial new infrastructure. As well as keeping water flowing, these projects generate income for the Trust which helps us care for our canals. They also help to maintain water levels during dry summer weather and create new habitats for wildlife. Projects such as the Grand Union Canal Transfer are proof that far from being part of our past, canals can play an essential role in our lives today and in the future.”

The first public consultation runs from Wednesday 11 September to Friday 25 October 2024 for 6 weeks.

Town and parish councils may find this guidance on National Strategic Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) helpful from Suffolk Association of Local Councils

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