Andrew Maliphant, SLCC’s Environmental & Sustainability Advisor, spoke to County Officers about Climate Action, Biodiversity and the Great Collaboration.

He gave practical examples of what Councils can do to support climate and nature action in their community, regardless of size. He also gave advice on how Councils can respond to planning applications with consideration to the environment.

Biodiversity is now a statutory duty. Councils can:

  • Note what the council is already doing to conserve and enhance biodiversity (no formal report in England, biennial report in Wales)
  • Review biodiversity or nature recovery plans from other local authorities / parishes
  • Make contact with local voluntary groups working on nature conservation.
  • Carry out a biodiversity audit of council landholdings and/or the whole council area
  • Gather expert advice on possible actions in support of biodiversity
  • Draft an action plan for what the council will do itself as well as supporting other activity.

Parish and Town Councils can develop an action plan by using the work already going on. He advises writing the plan with the community so that everyone can understand, relate and contribute to its successful implementation. See SLCC’s Climate Action page

Andrew provided an overview of the Great Collaboration, a website that allows people to choose from 60 climate actions and register by postcode their involvement or intentions. The website also allows local councils to gather information based on those postcodes to have an idea of what is or isn’t happening in their council area.

The website has been piloted successfully for over two years by the Herefordshire Green Network who developed the website and supported a network officer to give talks to Herefordshire parishes. The Place-Based Initiative Ltd has taken over the website and will extend its use nationally while adding in the collective actions open to councils and community groups. There will also be a digital map of what is already happening by parish area.

The process has started with free weekly sessions with speakers on special topics. Click this link to join the sessions on Wednesdays at noon.